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Attendance Policy
Do you need to cancel a lesson?
Please click here to fill out our Cancellation Form to let us know!


Please fill out and submit this form at least 24 hours prior to your lesson time in order for it to qualify as an excused absence. Admin will contact you to arrange a make-up lesson if applicable.


Private Lesson Attendance Policy​

  • Attendance

    • Weekly attendance is mandatory and expected from all students. 

    • It is the responsibility of both student and parental figure to make it to lessons, and to arrive on time for lessons.


  • Student Absences:

    • Excused Absences are eligible for make-up.

    • What counts as an excused absence?

      • If administration are notified at least 24-hours prior to the lesson’s start time, a make-up lesson will be arranged to the availability of the teacher and student.

      • After two excused absences/make-up accommodations, MCIL Teachers reserve the right not to make-up any other lessons within that session.

    • Unexcused Absences are NOT eligible for make-up.

    • What counts as an unexcused absence?

      • No-show to the scheduled lesson.

      • More than 15 minutes late to the start time of the lesson.

      • If administration and teacher are notified less than 24-hours prior to the lesson’s start time.

      • *Unexcused absences are not eligible for make-up lessons*​​

    • Illness:

      • If a student is unable to make a lesson due to sickness, please inform administration and the instructor as soon as possible. Attending a lesson while ill, is never a solution and puts other students, teachers, and parents at risk.

      • Illness is the only exception to the 24-hour notification rule. This exception is only eligible one time per session.

      • Make-up lessons are scheduled at the availability of the teacher. If the teacher is fully booked, admin will assign a substitute teacher that can accommodate the student's availability for a make-up lesson.


  • Teacher Absences:

    • If a teacher is unable to attend a lesson, the following options will be offered:

      • In order to respect the student’s scheduled lessons, we will provide a substitute teacher to teach at the assigned date/time. If a substitute teacher is not available, the regular teacher will schedule a make-up lesson within the session of the original lesson time.


  • Tardiness:

    • Students who are tardy are not guaranteed the full duration of their lesson

    • If a teacher is tardy, a student is entitled to the full duration of their lesson.


  • Make-up Lessons

    • Lessons missed following a student's two absences in a session are not eligible for a make-up lesson. 

    • ​Make-up Lessons due to student absence can be offered in the form of the following:

      • Meeting with a substitute teacher during the time of their regular lesson.

      • Make-up lesson scheduled within the session of the original lesson time.

      • Lesson time being added and distributed over the course of multiple lessons (if scheduling permits).


Pre-Piano/Partner Lesson/Group Class Attendance Policy​

  • Any kind of class with more than one student is unable to be rescheduled.

    • If all members of a class are from the same household/come to the class together, the class can be made-up in the form of the following:

      • Substitute teacher taught lesson

      • Teacher teaches lesson (if schedule permits it)

      • Lesson time being distributed over the course of multiple lessons (if schedule permits it)

  • Pre-Piano and Group Class instructors can be substitute taught at any time.

  • Pre-Piano and Group Class instructors are subject to change at any time.



  • We reserve the right for our teachers to dismiss students from their studio due to the following: 

    • ​Repeated unexcused absences.

    • Inappropriate behavior (Verbal harassment, physical harassment, damage of a teacher’s or the conservatory’s property, etc.).



  • All students are expected to practice to ensure musical growth.

    • Practice Rooms:

      • Students of MCIL are able to reserve a room for practice, free-of-charge.

      • Administration must be contacted via email or text at least 24-hours prior to room usage.

      • If a room is not reserved in advance, the room is not available for use, even if unoccupied.


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